India is fighting against Novel corona virus “COVID19”, on Friday Evening , The PM of India, Honorable Narendra Modi Addressed the Nation and asked us the People of India to be in their House and no one will come out of the Home and he called it as “Jantacurfew”. For the first time in my life and all History, people united for braking the chain of the Devil Virus. At 5 PM all of the us from the Roof made sound by use of Drum Stick, Utensils, Speakers and Sankh. Well, eyes got wet after seeing all having same positive intentions and feelings for the wellbeing of the Nation.
Right now, Its 01:38 AM of 22/23rd of March 2020, and its raining. So, its proving that every statement is right. In our culture we know that Sound matters and People when make sound will same intention at same time then energy flows in positive way and our Nature, the God hears and whole system of Planet just feels good and make it correct. Its Raining means the air which is right now is awesome.
As today we had no Air Pollution, No Sound Pollution and After Rain the whole small dust particle has settled. So I am breathing at midnight. Well, Tomorrow is office day but I will be at Home since Railway Board has stopped all train circulation and Bihar Government has locked down the Bihar expect essential services like Medical, milk, Press, Police. So, Staying at Home and working for all Blogs. From Now i will be regular on my Blog and writing regularly.
Watch how my Son, ved is making sound.